I am so sorry. I dont know if im dumb or its the computer.....lol
OK so i have managed to do the floppy disk thing which is below. That was all good and worked fine once I shutdown my Virtual Machine...doh!
"During the installation process when the Windows XP installer asks for
the SCSI driver, that is when you will connect the floppy driver using
Virtual Machine > Floppy > Connect. Finally, if your machine does
not have a Floppy item in Virtual Machine menu, you can use Settings to
add one with the :smileyplus: menu."
This is all good and have done this step. The next step is to:
"Hopefully you can get through the Windows XP repair installation and
recover your virtual machine. Be sure to run Windows Update as the
repair process loses all your Windows security patches. Your programs
and data, however will be intact."
I shut down and restarted the Virtual Machine and the same thing happens. It comes up with the same screen, as below
And once again i cant press the 'r' key like is is asking to do. I can
press F2 and the Bios Setup Utility page comes up. I am not able to edit anything on the Boot menu to boot from the CD rom. It says all items on this menue can not be modified in user mode. If any items require changes please consult your system supervisor.
When pressed escape, boot from CD ROM drive is an option. I can hear the disk starting up but still nothing happens. It goes back to the black screen above.
Am i doing the right thing?