I run VMWare Workstation Pro 16.2.9 on a AMD 3900X with 64 GB memory, and an SSD running Ubuntu Linux 5.11.0-38-generic.
Starting about 1 year ago VMWare has been fighting with the Linux memory compactor kcompct. When hostilities begin (Windows 10 with 4 cores at 16 GB configured) VMWare freezes with its 4 cores at 100% while kcopact runs 100% CPU. After a few seconds, the combatants restrain themselves for about 30 seconds, then begin again. This doesn't happen every day, but when it does happen the two combatants never seem to tire of this annoying behavior. A Linux reboot clears up the problem, for a time.
This behavior has been mentioned on a number of forums, but I have not seen a discussion on VMWare. (which is why I am here) Initially the problem could be resolved by turning off Transparent Hugepages. Then after a time, this was no longer necessary, and the two behaved themselves. About 3 months ago, hostilities resumed, but now turning off Transparent Hugepages has little or no effect.
I'm guessing that VMWare has it's own algorithms to collect 4K pages into hugepages, which is otherwise the job of kcompact. Possibly the two are squabbling over a futex or other exclusive resource, or maybe a pair of them.
Any chance VMWare guys could look at this problem and break up the fight?