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 Which area is the time zone in the Alerts of the Dashboard? The time zone in Beijing is incorrect.

Haiqiang Fu's profile image
Haiqiang Fu posted Jun 06, 2018 09:57 AM


Kushal Choubay's profile image
Kushal Choubay

Hi Haiqiang ,



Are you referring to "current time" showed at https://gpcc.docs.pivotal.io/410/graphics/ui-query-monitor-full.png ?

It should be similar to the server time which you can get from "select now()" through psql .


Please provide a snapshot of the timezone you are referring along with Greenplum database & Command center version information for us to check further.


@Alex Jiang​  fyi ^

Alex Jiang's profile image
Broadcom Employee Alex Jiang

Hello Haiqiang,


As per Kushal's suggestion, the issue is not clear, Could you attach the screenshot?


Thanks a lot,


Haiqiang Fu's profile image
Haiqiang Fu

I implemented a SQL at 2018-06-08 09:44 AM Beijing time, shown in GPCC 08 Jun 23:44:40.


Haiqiang Fu's profile image
Haiqiang Fu

huatai=# select now();



 2018-06-08 09:55:56.184935+08

(1 row)

