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 When i am trying to push an hello world application, i am getting the following error with my app getting crashed.

Naveen Ramakrishna's profile image
Naveen Ramakrishna posted Mar 13, 2019 12:55 AM

When i am trying to push an hello world application, i am getting the following error with my app getting crashed.


error : Unable to load the service index for source [/tmp/app/dotnet-core-hello-world-master/dotnet-core-hello-world.csproj]


error :  Connection refused [/tmp/app/dotnet-core-hello-world-master/dotnet-core-hello-world.csproj]

**ERROR** Unable to run dotnet restore: exit status 1

Failed to compile droplet: Failed to run finalize script: exit status 12


Note: Pushing the app is the first step i am performing, i haven't created any service yet. 


Any help would be appreciated

Thanks in advance


Daniel Mikusa's profile image
Daniel Mikusa

Are you in an environment that has access to the Internet? It appears to be trying to download some dependency modules from Nuget and failing because it cannot talk to You may need to talk to your platform operator and see if you can get access to Nuget enabled.


Alternatively, you can use the instructions here to deploy in a disconnected environment ->