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 What are the end of support dates for Spring Tool Suite 3.7 and 3.8?

Ashley Dingman's profile image
Ashley Dingman posted Feb 04, 2021 12:42 AM


Daniel Mikusa's profile image
Daniel Mikusa

I don't think either of those are supported any more. Even 3.9 is listed as deprecated.


>With the release of the all-new Spring Tools 4, the Spring Tool Suite 3 got deprecated and is no longer under active development.




The most recent releases of 3.9 also indicates:


>This is a minor bugfix and maintenance release that we ship to our existing STS3 users beyond the announced maintenance lifespan for your convenience.




so while 3.9 is still seeing some updates, those are not guaranteed and could end at any point.


In short, you should strongly look at upgrading to STS4 as soon as possible.