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 Using K8S cluster deployed by PKS, the deployed application is not accessible. And I can't log on to the K8S cluster machine. Ask the user name and password of the K8S cluster login

NULL NULL's profile image
NULL NULL posted Apr 12, 2019 07:41 AM

Using K8S cluster deployed by PKS, the deployed application is not accessible. And I can't log on to the K8S cluster machine. Ask the user name and password of the K8S cluster login

NULL NULL's profile image

I deployed PKS directly on vSphere without using NSX. The list file of vSphere 6.7 OPS-manager 2.3 PKS 1.3 is as follows

NULL NULL's profile image


tarun jain's profile image
tarun jain

You can login to K8s cluster vms using bsoh cli installed on clinet machine

Check vms/deployments created by bosh

     bosh vms

ssh to vms using command

           bosh ssh <instance_name> -d <deployment_name>

Mark Nagle's profile image
Broadcom Employee Mark Nagle

The Pivotal Docs have a section that explains how to access basic workloads without a Load Balancer - https://docs.pivotal.io/runtimes/pks/1-3/deploy-workloads.html#without-lb