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 Stuck in Greenplum db Sandbox in VMware, please help

Michael Sanchez's profile image
Michael Sanchez posted Jan 24, 2019 01:51 AM

I installed VMware and imported the Pivotal GPDB Sandbox on Windows . It shows me an input of a Username and a Password, i use Username: gpadmin and Password:Pivotal . After that, a bash appears and i don't know what to write in it , so i am stuck in there, what do i need to write in order to create a table and insert at least 2 things into it and then list it? Thanks, i attached an image.

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Stephen Carter's profile image
Stephen Carter

Hi Michael,


The instructions are in the sandbox tutorial here:

  • https://greenplum.org/gpdb-sandbox-tutorials/psql-commandline-client/
  • https://greenplum.org/gpdb-sandbox-tutorials/create-tables/


That will show how to connect and create tables and write queries.



Kind regards,


Michael Sanchez's profile image
Michael Sanchez

Thanks, Stephen. I'm trying to do step 1, which is to write psql command in the terminal, but i don't know how to access the terminal, since i am on Windows running it through vmware, how can i access this terminal?

Kong Chan's profile image
Kong Chan

Most likely, you can use putty or any ssh client to access the Greenplum instance that is running insde Vmware.


Once you can access GPDB via putty, you can use the gpadmin account to run psql.

Michael Sanchez's profile image
Michael Sanchez

I am trying to use Putty but the ip address is not shown, the hostname i use is "gpdb-sandbox.localdomain" , putty shows a message that says that the host doesn't exist . I attached some pictures.

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Michael Sanchez's profile image
Michael Sanchez


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Luiz Santos's profile image
Luiz Santos

You can do it directly in your VM. Just type "psql" hit enter and the terminal should open. Then you can follow the instructions on the manual.


If you type psql and get some error like "libpq.so.5 not found", try:

  • source /usr/local/greenplum-db/greenplum_path.sh


Then, psql should work.


If you want to access via putty, you should first identify the VM guest IP, and then use it on putty. You can do it running"ifconfig" in your VM, it will list all ips and interfaces.


Then you use the correct IP in putty, and it should work, Putty may also ask for a valid public key, you can search the internet on how to configure ssh public keys for putty.


You can also install PGADMIN4, and configure the access to the Greenplum of your VM. Remember to chek pg_hba.conf to give permission to your host IP.


Hope that helps anyone.





SaiKumar Valaboju's profile image
SaiKumar Valaboju

it is giving psql command not dound.how i can move further?