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 Spring boot gemfire security exception security manager not found

Vaidhyanathan Pranatharthiharan's profile image
Vaidhyanathan Pranatharthiharan posted Jul 17, 2020 04:13 AM

We are using spring boot gemfire locator and server . We have our own custom implementation of gemfire security . In few occassions we see that the security fails with the below error . This doesnt happen all the time.


Caused by: Security check failed. No SecurityManager accessible to the calling code, either bound to the org.apache.shiro.util.ThreadContext or as a vm static singleton. This is an invalid application configuration


Please let us know if there's any thing missing .

Juan Ramos's profile image
Juan Ramos

Hello Vaidhyanathan,


Thanks for contacting the Support Community!.

That said, I've never seen this exception before; searching a little bit over the web, it seems to be hit by different people using spring-boot and Shiro altogether, doesn't seem to be specific to GemFire...

I've also found this old ticket in the Geode Jira System (GemFire is based on Geode), it's really old and apparently it was fixed so I'm not sure you're hitting it or not: GEODE-3692.

I'd recommend to open a Support Ticket and attach all the relevant artefacts (logs, statistics and configuration files along with the smallest possible reproducible scenario) so one of our support engineers can assist you further.

Best regards.