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 Questions On migrating an already made .Net project to PCF

Hayden Rusk's profile image
Hayden Rusk posted Jun 18, 2018 06:31 PM

I am currently trying to port a .Net project to PCF, however I am a bit confused, based on this post (https://community.pivotal.io/s/article/PWS-Windows-Stack)

is it not possible to do so on my Windows computer? 

Will I need to enable a Linux VM to be able to port over the .Net project to PCF?

Also I notice that in many videos Window's stack is Windows2012R2, but I have Windows2016 did Windows2012R2 use to work on Windows?


Thank you for any help

Daniel Mikusa's profile image
Daniel Mikusa

The article you referenced is for Pivotal Web Services, our hosted version of CloudFoundry. If you are using Pivotal Cloud Foundry, our on premise offering then this article does not apply to you.


For PCF, you can absolutely deploy Windows .NET apps, but you need to install the PAS for Windows tile in Ops Manager. If you run `cf stacks` you can confirm. If it's installed, you'll see a windows stack listed. There are two possible windows stacks, windows2012R2 and windows2016. Either one works, but window2016 has a lot of enhancements in the OS around containers so your apps are better isolated in 2016. It's also the suggested path forward as windows2012R2 support is older and is being phased out.


For what it's worth, if you see instructions or tutorials for deploying your application and they reference the Windows 2012R2 stack, that's Ok. They should generally work just the same with the Window 2016 stack. The one exception is that really old articles might tell you to deploy using the binary buildpack. This is an old practice and you should *not* do this any more. Windows app should be pushed using the hwc_buildpack.


As far as the PC from which you develop & push your applications, that can be Windows, Mac or Linux. We have always supported all three.


Hope that helps to clear things up! Please let me know if you have any follow up questions.

Hayden Rusk's profile image
Hayden Rusk

I see, thank you very much for answering my questions Daniel, I think the tutorials suggesting Binary buildpack may have held me back a bit and started my confusion. I imagine I will have more questions as I continue working on this project, So thank you very much for all the help.