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 PKSv1.4.0 buils 3.1 fails at Installing Enterprise PKS

Rajat Kumar's profile image
Rajat Kumar posted Jun 07, 2019 01:17 PM

Please help me out.




Daniel Mikusa's profile image
Daniel Mikusa

So you have a post-start script that is failing. You would need to fix this and Apply Changes again.


To understand what's failing, you would need to `bosh logs` and obtain the logs for the failing `pivotal-container-service` instance (you can grab the guid from that log). Alternatively, you could `bosh ssh` to the failing instance. Then look at the logs for the failing job, which is according to your screenshot `pks-api`.


Hope that helps!

Daniel Mikusa's profile image
Daniel Mikusa

That looks like Bosh is not able to get a response from the agent running on that VM. I would suggest running a `bosh cck` and see if it's able to detect a problem with that VM. If it detects a problem, try recreating the VM but not waiting for processes to start. Then once the VM is back up and `cck` no longer reports problems, try apply changes again.

Rajat Kumar's profile image
Rajat Kumar

thanks for update.

Now i am facing timeout error as shown below:


Kyle Roberts's profile image
Broadcom Employee Kyle Roberts

There is still an issue with your pivotal-container-service instance vm. The timeout generally refers to the bosh agent on that vm not responding back. From before, all but pks-api job was running on that vm. Which suggested that the bosh agent was responding prior. Did you access that VM and identify the pks-api post-start issue? Something else has occurred since your last apply changes.


You should use:

bosh cck


Here is some additional information that may assist you.


Rajat Kumar's profile image
Rajat Kumar



Please help me in this

Daniel Mikusa's profile image
Daniel Mikusa

This just tells you that you have more post-start scripts failing. As I mentioned in my initial note, you need to get the logs from that failing instance and look at the post-start logs for those jobs. That will tell you more about what specifically is failing. Once you know that, you can take action to resolve the issues.

Rajat Kumar's profile image
Rajat Kumar

Hi Daniel,


Hope you are doing good.


I am getting the above issue during the PKS installation on vsphere using BOSH.

Can you tell me which instance you are talking about?

As in my environment i have three instances running:

  • OPS manager instance(created by deploying OVF template)
  • Bosh instance (successfully created during BOSH installation)
  • PKS instance (this instance is created during installation of PKS)


Daniel Mikusa's profile image
Daniel Mikusa

You need to look at the logs in your PKS Bosh deployment for the pivotal-container-service instance that has a guid starting with `7ca..`. That is the instance that was being updated when the error occurred, so that is where the logs from the event will exist.


You can see instructions for `bosh ssh` here -> https://docs.pivotal.io/pivotalcf/2-4/customizing/trouble-advanced.html#bosh-ssh, using `bosh logs` is the same just change the command name from ssh to logs.


Hope that helps!