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 PCF Dev installation error

Praveen Inavolu's profile image
Praveen Inavolu posted Nov 14, 2019 07:30 PM

I am trying to install PCF Dev and getting the following error, does anyone experienced and can help?


PS E:\pcf> cf install-plugin cfdev-v0.0.17-rc.14-windows.exe

Attention: Plugins are binaries written by potentially untrusted authors.

Install and use plugins at your own risk.

Do you want to install the plugin cfdev-v0.0.17-rc.14-windows.exe? [yN]: y

dial tcp socket: An invalid argument was supplied.

exit status 1

File is not a valid cf CLI plugin binary.

Daniel Mikusa's profile image
Daniel Mikusa

It looks like there might be something wrong with the plugin file you downloaded. Can you try `cf install-plugin -r CF-Community cfdev` instead? That should let the cf cli download the plugin from the plugin repo instead of using the local file.

Praveen Inavolu's profile image
Praveen Inavolu

Thank you for your response. I did tried as you mentioned as well still the same error. Also I tried turning off windows fire​wall. That didn't help. I am installing on windows 10.

Daniel Mikusa's profile image
Daniel Mikusa

Check the shasum of the file you're downloading, make sure it matches:

$ shasum -a 256 cfdev-v0.0.17-rc.14-windows.exe 2d66c258baf578cd8b8b7cbb796492e7ab06843482b6c9fff73426cd5635f4ba cfdev-v0.0.17-rc.14-windows.exe

You can run `Get-FileHash <path-to-file> | Format-List` in PowerShell to calculate the checksum on Windows.

Daniel Mikusa's profile image
Daniel Mikusa

Is there any anti-virus software that might be interjecting here?

Daniel Mikusa's profile image
Daniel Mikusa

You would probably need to look at McAfee and see if it's logging any thing. If it's interrupting the cf cli/cfdev plugin, you don't usually get a message saying so. You usually get more cryptic errors.

Praveen Inavolu's profile image
Praveen Inavolu

The checksum matches. here is what i get



Praveen Inavolu's profile image
Praveen Inavolu

thanks for your time. that is is good point. I have McAfee on the machine. Is it possible to know from log file? in other words does cf install-plugin command logs somewhere ?

Praveen Inavolu's profile image
Praveen Inavolu

I checked with our McAfee team to scan for any log or errors from the system i was trying and could find no errors and Mcafee is not not blocking.