VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Integrated Edition

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 Package java and .net as one application

jihfang wang's profile image
jihfang wang posted Aug 05, 2019 10:56 PM

a newbie question: i have an application that contains a java piece and i .net/iis piece. can i package them in two different containers but as one application? does yml supports multiple buildpacks for war and assembly?

Daniel Mikusa's profile image
Daniel Mikusa

Yes and no. You can use multiple buildpacks with an application, but those buildpacks must all be for the same stack. You cannot use a buildpack like Java which targets the cflinuxfs3 stack and a buildpack like HWC which targets the Windows related stacks. In that case, you would just need to push two different applications, which is generally the right approach.


>does yml supports multiple buildpacks for war and assembly?


Your application manifest.yml can include a `buildpacks` block which takes an array of buildpack names.



buildpacks: - php_buildpack - java_buildpack