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 Ops Manager for vsphere - is not able get the static IIP assignment

Shanthakumar Karuppusamy's profile image
Broadcom Employee Shanthakumar Karuppusamy posted Aug 16, 2018 05:52 PM

Ops Manager for vsphere - is not able get the static IP assignment during the deployment.




Deployed ops man for vsphere 2.16 with above build after deployment it dint get the IP assignment and inside the appliance its configured with DHCP though I set static during the ovf deployment


screenshot for ref

Daniel Mikusa's profile image
Daniel Mikusa

See step #18 here -> https://docs.pivotal.io/pivotalcf/2-2/customizing/deploying-vm.html


That is where you should enter the networking information.


If you need to edit this after the VM is deployed, you can follow the instructions here -> https://community.pivotal.io/s/article/How-to-Change-the-Ubuntu-User-Password-in-vSphere-for-the-Ops-Manager-VM

Daniel Mikusa's profile image
Daniel Mikusa

It can sit there for a while, especially on the first boot. Try giving it 5 - 10 mins to boot up and see what the state of things is after that.

Shanthakumar Karuppusamy's profile image
Broadcom Employee Shanthakumar Karuppusamy

@Daniel Mikusa - Tanzu Support​ Im following the same , I have upload the files also for reference .. can you please take a look.


If we're deploying on vmware standard switch not getting any issues but seeing this issue with vmware distributed virtual switch.



Shanthakumar Karuppusamy's profile image
Broadcom Employee Shanthakumar Karuppusamy

@Daniel Mikusa - Tanzu Support​  almost an hour waited for the things to come up but no luck and more than 4 deployments consistently hitting the same issue.

Daniel Mikusa's profile image
Daniel Mikusa

We use both standard and distributed switches in our labs and both work fine. Just make sure you select the correct network when deploying the OVF. Aside from that, just make sure that your IP settings are correct.


Anyway, there's two things that can go wrong here.


1.) You configure the OVF, deploy it, it starts & there are -no- networks settings.

2.) You configure the OVF, deploy it, it starts & there are network settings but they don't work.


We need to figure out which, so once the VM finishes starting. Login & run `ifconfig` to see the status of things & update here with what you find.

Daniel Mikusa's profile image
Daniel Mikusa

I've never seen it take that long, however sometimes the screen in the vSphere console doesn't reset and show you the login prompt. Try hitting enter a few times, that usually get's it to refresh the screen and show you a login prompt.

Shanthakumar Karuppusamy's profile image
Broadcom Employee Shanthakumar Karuppusamy

@Daniel Mikusa - Tanzu Support​ FYI Attached the screenshot.


I will also look in to host if something wrong on networking side

Daniel Mikusa's profile image
Daniel Mikusa

There is a process which run when the machine starts up. It grabs the settings you configured when you deployed the OVF via a VMware specific cli command called `vmtoolsd`. When the network information is not configured correctly on boot, it is usually because this tool has failed to load the information you configured for your network.


See the first post from Dan L on this thread for details of what to check -> https://community.pivotal.io/s/question/0D50P00003wJoVKSA0/eth0-is-down-after-deploy-of-pivotal-operations-manager


Basically, we want to check that vmtoolsd is able to retrieve your settings from vsphere.

Shanthakumar Karuppusamy's profile image
Broadcom Employee Shanthakumar Karuppusamy

Can operations manager be deployed in vmware distributed switch backed network ?

Shanthakumar Karuppusamy's profile image
Broadcom Employee Shanthakumar Karuppusamy

OS startup is struck at waiting for network device please refer the attached screenshot

Shanthakumar Karuppusamy's profile image
Broadcom Employee Shanthakumar Karuppusamy

interfaces file updates with dhcp setting irrespective of setting from template as static and values given

Shanthakumar Karuppusamy's profile image
Broadcom Employee Shanthakumar Karuppusamy

@Daniel Mikusa - Tanzu Support​  Yes vmtoolsd able to reterive the info from vsphere refer the attached screenshot

Daniel Mikusa's profile image
Daniel Mikusa

Can you check to see if this file exists on the VM? `/tmp/reset_ovf_network_config_init.log`

Shanthakumar Karuppusamy's profile image
Broadcom Employee Shanthakumar Karuppusamy

@Daniel Mikusa - Tanzu Support​ I have deleted the ops manager and cleaning up to start a fresh run. I will update once its done.

Shanthakumar Karuppusamy's profile image
Broadcom Employee Shanthakumar Karuppusamy

Thanks for the support @Daniel Mikusa - Tanzu Support​ .


Issue is with DNS entries provided during the deployment."" missed a comma in between but the strange is same worked in other env !!!

Shanthakumar Karuppusamy's profile image
Broadcom Employee Shanthakumar Karuppusamy

Issue solved after fixing the DNS.