Pivotal Cloud Foundry Support

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hafeez_saleh hafeez_saleh's profile image
hafeez_saleh hafeez_saleh posted Dec 14, 2018 12:08 AM

We have developed a .Net Microservice which uses MATLAB to perform analytics. ​MATLAB don't support .Net Core and it requires the .Net Framework.

  • Is it possible to host Microservice built with .Net framework 4.7 on PCF? What are the options?.
  • We prefer to use containers as it is possible to scale them on-demand. If we host this Microservice on Windows VM. What are the option for on-demand scale?
Daniel Mikusa's profile image
Daniel Mikusa

PCF Supports Windows 2016 through the Pivotal Application Service for Windows Tile. The first step would be installing this tile & deploying one or more Windows Cells.




When you have Windows 2016 Cells deployed, you would be able to `cf push` an app to the `windows2016` stack. This will run your app on a Windows Cell. The default buildpack to run that app would be the HWC (Hostable Web Core) buildpack, which can run .NET 4.7.


I do not know if there would be extra requirements for MATLAB, sorry, and Pivotal does not ship a MATLAB buildpack. You may want to check if there is a community buildpack for MATLAB or you may need to bundle any required dependencies (EXE's, DLL's, etc.) for MATLAB up with your application and push those all together.


Hope that helps!