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 LOCATOR WITH jmx-manager=false

DEEPAK NETAM's profile image
DEEPAK NETAM posted Apr 23, 2020 10:13 AM

Hi Team,


I want to start my locator but with jmx-manager= false.

When i does so, it throw an exception


Exception in thread "main" java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot start cluster configuration without jmx-manager=true


Could you please guide me how to fix this issue and start locator with jmx-manager=false



Thanks and Regards

Juan Ramos's profile image
Juan Ramos

Hello Deepak,


Thanks for contacting the Support Community!.

In order to avoid the exception, you should make sure the Locator doesn't try to start the cluster-configuration-service by setting the property --enable-cluster-configuration to false. Be warned, though, we highly recommend that you use the gfsh command line and the cluster configuration service as the primary mechanism to manage your cluster, for further information about this topic please have a look at Configuring and Running a Cluster [1].

Is there any reason why you want to disable the jmx-manager?.

Best regards.


[1]: https://gemfire.docs.pivotal.io/910/geode/configuring/chapter_overview.html

DEEPAK NETAM's profile image

Hi Juan,


Thanks for the quick reply.

We had an vulnerability issue because of JMX. Currently our system is running in TCP port.

We dont want any JMX portto be opened because of JMX manager, To avoid such issue we want to keep it false.


Thanks and Regards


Juan Ramos's profile image
Juan Ramos

Hello Deepak,


Thanks for the update.

That said, I understand that security might be a concern, but instead of disabling JMX altogether, I'd suggest to implement the correct Security settings in your environment so only some specific users are allowed to monitor and manage your cluster. Please have a look at Security [1] for further details about how this can be achieved.

Best regards.


[1]: https://gemfire.docs.pivotal.io/910/geode/managing/security/chapter_overview.html