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 It is possible to upload and download file? file may be .xls, .xlsx, .txt, .jpg, .png

Sahadeo Naik's profile image
Sahadeo Naik posted Sep 27, 2019 08:47 PM

I want to upload and download the file on pivotal cloud. I creat one spring boot application and it's test on local server it's working fine. I want to deploy same fille upload/download application on pivotal cloud, so it is possible?

If it is possible then file store at which location? How I can see the store file?


Daniel Mikusa's profile image
Daniel Mikusa

It is certainly possible. You can write the files to anywhere that is accessible by the vcap user, which is the user that runs your app on Cloud Foundry. Please keep in mind though that the local file system exposed to your app is ephemeral. It will go away when your app has been restarted.


If you just need temporary storage of the files that you're uploading, then the ephemeral storage will likely work just fine. If you need persistent storage of the files then you cannot rely on the ephemeral storage and would need to ultimately put your files somewhere else like AWS S3 (or a compatible offering like Minio) or some other service.


Hope that helps!

Daniel Mikusa's profile image
Daniel Mikusa