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 It does not appear that a pcfdev-{version}-linux.zip exists. If anyone knows where I can get one I'd really appreciate it! Without it, it does not appear that I can use pcfdev locally on my Linux development laptop!

George Smith's profile image
George Smith posted Sep 01, 2018 03:13 AM


Elizabeth Barron's profile image
Elizabeth Barron

Hi George!

The current version of PCF Dev does not support Linux. Linux is only supported in PCF Dev v0.30 or earlier. If you'd like to install the earlier versions, here is more info on how you can do that: https://docs.pivotal.io/pcf-dev/install-linux.html.


Hope that helps, but let us know!



George Smith's profile image
George Smith
Thank you Elizabeth, It took a while but I did finally notice the "v0.30" in the middle of line 1 under "Install PCF Dev" on the following page: https://docs.pivotal.io/pcf-dev/install-linux.html My "ask" is that on this page that is specifically for Linux, could the link go directly to the correct version: https://network.pivotal.io/products/pcfdev#/releases/88478 Thx, George
Elizabeth Barron's profile image
Elizabeth Barron

Hi again George! That's great feedback, and thank you so much! I will pass this along to our docs team. Cheers!