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 Installing PCF and PAS on AWS using Terraform

Chendong Li's profile image
Chendong Li posted Dec 13, 2018 04:55 AM

I was following pivotal documents to install PCF and PAS on AWS using Terraform. I tried almost all the options, and it always failed for the same reason at the same step Running errand Smoke Test Errand for Small Footprint PAS. Also tried following the trouble shooting documents to fix the issue, but nothing seems to work.

Here is the error message.

 Request error: Get https://api.sys.chenlipcf2.vormetriconaws.com/v2/info: dial tcp: lookup api.sys.chenlipcf2.vormetriconaws.com on no such host


 ===== 2018-12-12 23:52:49 UTC Running "/usr/local/bin/bosh --no-color --non-interactive --tty --environment= --deployment=cf-993b44f152c95ec785fc run-errand smoke_tests --instance control/first"

Using environment '' as client 'ops_manager'

Using deployment 'cf-993b44f152c95ec785fc'

Task 646

Task 646 | 23:52:50 | Preparing deployment: Preparing deployment (00:00:02)

Task 646 | 23:52:52 | Running errand: control/382ed110-f58c-4d7b-863a-22f6acd7483a (0) (00:00:01)

Task 646 | 23:52:53 | Fetching logs for control/382ed110-f58c-4d7b-863a-22f6acd7483a (0): Finding and packing log files (00:00:01)

Task 646 Started Wed Dec 12 23:52:50 UTC 2018

Task 646 Finished Wed Dec 12 23:52:54 UTC 2018

Task 646 Duration 00:00:04

Task 646 done

Instance  control/382ed110-f58c-4d7b-863a-22f6acd7483a 

Exit Code 1 

Stdout    Running smoke tests... 

          Running binaries smoke/isolation_segments/isolation_segments.test 



          [1544658772] [1mCF-Isolation-Segment-Smoke-Tests[0m - 4 specs - 4 nodes [36mS[0m[36mS[0m[36mS[0m[36mS[0m [32mSUCCESS![0m 116.116655ms  

          [1544658772] [1mCF-Logging-Smoke-Tests[0m - 2 specs - 4 nodes  



          [32m[2018-12-12 23:52:52.93 (UTC)]> cf api https://api.sys.chenlipcf2.vormetriconaws.com --skip-ssl-validation [0m 

          Setting api endpoint to https://api.sys.chenlipcf2.vormetriconaws.com... 

          Request error: Get https://api.sys.chenlipcf2.vormetriconaws.com/v2/info: dial tcp: lookup api.sys.chenlipcf2.vormetriconaws.com on no such host 

          TIP: If you are behind a firewall and require an HTTP proxy, verify the https_proxy environment variable is correctly set. Else, check your network connection. 


     PCF Ops Manager v2.2-build.376

Daniel Mikusa's profile image
Daniel Mikusa

OK, so the smoke test runs some basic operations like `cf push` to confirm that the foundation is working. The smoke tests run from inside the foundation (they're colocated on the clock global VM). If they fail, it often indicates there are problems with the foundation/install as a whole but there are times.


My suggestion would be to do some manual tests to see if your platform is working.


1.) Take a sample app and see if you can `cf push` it to your platform. This is basically what the smoke test is doing. See if this works for you.


2.) `bosh ssh` to the clock global VM and look under `/var/vcap/jobs`. You should be able to find the smoke test script & run that manually. You can also look under `/var/vcap/packages` and find the `cf` cli and just manually run commands from that VM.


If both of these fail, then there is a problem with the foundation as a whole. If smoke tests only fail when run from the clock global VM, there could be a networking issue. In some cases, traffic going out and back into the platform can get caught up in firewall rules.


The other thing here is that it looks like the error above is coming from the Isolation Segment Smoke tests. Given that, you'd want to check if apps can be pushed out side an org/space in the isolation segment vs in the isolation segment. It's possible that your platform is working OK, but that there is something wrong with the Isolation Segment config. There can also be some networking gotchas with Isolation Segments.


Long story short, try to do some manual tests to break down the problem more and figure out in more detail what is and isn't working. Post back and we can provide further advise.