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 I get an "Template not accessible" error, downloading a PDF generated online with Thymeleaf and flying-sourcer/xhtmlrenderer, which works localy with Spring Boot 2.0.3

Aleix Alcover's profile image
Aleix Alcover posted Sep 07, 2018 06:59 PM

I have asked for help at StackOverflow, without any success, where I've left an extract of my code at this URL: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51666888/thymeleaf-template-not-accessible-downloading-a-pdf-online-with-spring-boot-2-0


Any help would be very much appreciated.

Aleix Alcover

Daniel Mikusa's profile image
Daniel Mikusa

Followed up on stack overflow.

Aleix Alcover's profile image
Aleix Alcover

Thank you Daniel, following your advice I have been able to solve this issue. I have posted the answer on StackOverflow.