Pivotal Cloud Foundry Support

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 I am trying to install PCF DEV on Centos virtual machine hosted into VMware Esxi 6.7 . After completing all the steps as per website, when I typed cf dev start, I am getting an error as attached.

IT PRO's profile image
IT PRO posted Feb 21, 2019 11:15 AM


Attachment  View in library
CF Error.JPG 114 KB
Stephen Carter's profile image
Stephen Carter



The VM has a lot of processes that need to start up which take some time.

You can try connecting via SSH and running "monit summary" (need to be root) to see which processes failed to start.



Kind regards,


Daniel Mikusa's profile image
Daniel Mikusa

You might need to give it more VCPUs/RAM so it starts up faster. As Stephen said, there's a lot it has to start up.