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 How to delete my account in Pivotal support?

Padhmavathy CS's profile image
Padhmavathy CS posted Nov 19, 2019 01:42 PM

As I have created this account without the code issue by my company I am unable to see this support case raised by my colleagues. Hence I want to delete this account and create a new one.

Jinju Lee's profile image
Jinju Lee

Hello Padhmavathy


thank you for the post

My name is Jinju and I'm working with customer support team.


Would you kindly let me know what you referred by "the code"? I see your account setup and you should be able to see your colleagues' cases.


Please let me know if the issue still exists.


We apologize for the delay.





Padhmavathy CS's profile image
Padhmavathy CS

Hi Jinju,


I am able to access all the support cases raised by my ​colleagues. Thanks for the support.




Jinju Lee's profile image
Jinju Lee

I'm happy to hear that, thanks Padhma 😃