VMware Tanzu Application Service for VMs

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 How can I import all the tile configuration details(Like Availability zones , Networking, Resource config) from the OpsManager UI ?

Sandeep Shanmuk's profile image
Sandeep Shanmuk posted Nov 06, 2018 03:56 PM

We are using creating new PCF foundation. We need to  capture all the tile details of existing Foundation.

So how can I get all tile configurations ( including Availability zone, Networks, Plan details) So that I can refer without going to OpsManager UI

Faisal Ali's profile image
Broadcom Employee Faisal Ali

I believe you meant export and not import, couple of ways


+ You can use the Ops Manager API: https://docs.pivotal.io/pivotalcf/2-2/opsman-api/

+ You can use the OM CLI: https://github.com/pivotal-cf/om

+ Check Product metadata: <opsmanager URL>/debug/product_metadata

+ Or you can check the installation YML : <opsmanager URL>/debug/files or download the installation YML from opsmanager -> settings -> export installation settings.


Hope that helps.