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 How can I get list out all the routes(urls) of all the apps across my pcf foundation?

Sandeep Shanmuk's profile image
Sandeep Shanmuk posted Oct 26, 2018 10:07 PM

How can I find the latency report of each and every application in my pcf foundation​

Ryan Hall's profile image
Broadcom Employee Ryan Hall

Hi Shanmuk,


To get all routes from PCF, you need to simply dump the Routing Table off of one of the GoRouter VMs. You can follow the process here to do this: https://github.com/cloudfoundry/gorouter#the-routing-table


This will provide JSON output of every route that is stored on the GoRouter's routing table, including the routes for every app in the foundation.


I'm confused by the 2nd part of your question. Can you provide some more info on what you mean when you say "Latency Report"?




Ryan Hall's profile image
Broadcom Employee Ryan Hall

Hi Shanmuk,


Regarding calculating the full round trip time delay from Client to Backend for each app in PCF, you can see in the GoRouter's logs under /var/vcap/sys/log/gorouter/access.log each transaction through PCF being logged, and it's response time. Is this what you're asking for?


Also, to get the Application Routes by Org & Space, you'll be limited to the commands available to the CAPI. See reference: https://v3-apidocs.cloudfoundry.org/version/3.60.0/index.html#resources


There's commands to list all apps, list all orgs, list all spaces, and list all routes for apps, however to get them to display as you've described will require some scripting on your part.


Please let me know if you have more questions on this.




Daniel Mikusa's profile image
Daniel Mikusa

You can also get all the routes from CAPI, but you need sufficient permissions to see all the orgs on the foundation -> http://apidocs.cloudfoundry.org/5.4.0/routes/list_all_routes.html


> I want to calculate full round trip time delay from Client to Backend for each ad every application in my PCF foundation


I don't know of an existing report in PCF that would give you this information. You might be able to create such a report by parsing through the access logs generated by Gorouter or your load balancer. Most will indicate the amount of time it too for a request to be handled. That won't be from client to backend though, just from LB or Gorouter to app. I think the only want to get from client to backend, would be to actually send a request to all the apps.



Sandeep Shanmuk's profile image
Sandeep Shanmuk

Thanks for the prompt reply,

 I want to calculate full round trip  time delay from Client to Backend for each ad every application in my PCF foundation

Sandeep Shanmuk's profile image
Sandeep Shanmuk


  I want to get the application URL's deployed in each Organization/Space.


Sandeep Shanmuk's profile image
Sandeep Shanmuk
Thanks lot Daniel.\\n\\nGet Outlook for Android
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Sandeep Shanmuk
Thanks Ryan,\\nSolved my time in debugging\\n\\nGet Outlook for Android