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 How can i add Service plan to a New Relic Service Broker using cf api instead of from OpsMan UI

Sandeep Shanmuk's profile image
Sandeep Shanmuk posted Oct 31, 2018 12:49 PM

I have installed New Relic Service broker in my PCF . As of now i am adding Service Plan using Opsmanager UI. But i need any cf api to add the Service plans (as it is required in my application)


Please advice

Daniel Mikusa's profile image
Daniel Mikusa

All services should be available in the marketplace, once installed through Ops Manager. To view them run `cf marketplace` or `cf m` for short.


If you don't see the service in the marketplace, you may need to enable access to it. See `cf enable-service-access`, which needs to be run by your platform operator/admin.


Hope that helps!

Daniel Mikusa's profile image
Daniel Mikusa

Ah, I see. You're trying to configure the plans available through the New Relic tile, but from the command line. The cf cli cannot help you there, but you can use the om cli for interacting with Ops Manager. You can use that to configure products in Ops Manager (and pretty much anything you can do through the UI), which is what you are trying to do here.




Hope that helps!

Sandeep Shanmuk's profile image
Sandeep Shanmuk


Attached a ​screenshot which we used to add the New Relic Plan through UI.

 But kindly let us know if there any cf API available to add these plans to New Relic Service Broker

Purandhar Konduru's profile image
Purandhar Konduru

Hi, Can you explain in detail, how this can be done using om cli.

Daniel Mikusa's profile image
Daniel Mikusa

I can give you an overview. You'll have to work out the specific commands as I'm not familiar with that tile.


Ops Manager has two states: what's deployed and what is staged. Deployed is the actual state of the world. Staged is what you would like to have deployed.


Given this, you'd need to do something like this:

  • Stage the product, in this case New Relic. This is like adding the tile in the UI, if you've done this already you can skip this.
  • Use `om configure-product` to set the values. Exactly what values depends on the tile, so this is what I do not know as I'm not familiar with that tile.
  • I believe you can run `om staged-config` to get the current set of properties for you tile. That should help to know what you can configure.


Hope that helps!