VMware GemFire

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 HI, we are upgrading gemfire from 8.2. X , to gemfire 9.5.2 . We faced with the issue when, one service is coming up properly within the cluster , however when we start another service within the cluster it simply hung up.

Pravin tarte's profile image
Pravin tarte posted Oct 09, 2019 09:25 AM


Juan Ramos's profile image
Juan Ramos

Hello Pravin,


Thanks for contacting the Pivotal Support Community!.

That said, please make sure you have followed all the steps mentioned in Upgrade from Version 8.2 to Version 9 [1].

If the issue still persists, I'd recommend to open a new Support Ticket through the Pivotal Support Portal [2], this kind of issues require some analysis of artefacts (logs, configuration files, statistics, thread dumps, etc.) in order to troubleshoot.

Best regards.


[1]: https://gemfire.docs.pivotal.io/98/gemfire/getting_started/upgrade/upgrade_standalone.html

[2]: https://pivotal.io/support