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 Hi Team, We are facing an issue with job scheduler for a springboot batch application

Harshini Bollineni's profile image
Harshini Bollineni posted Mar 04, 2019 06:34 PM

I have a springboot (v2.0.3) batch application running on PCF 2. I have binded the scheduler service using manifest file and pushed it to pcf. It is up and running. Now when I try to create a job inn pcf invalid cron expression. I used this for running that batch for every 5 minutes (*/5 * * * *). It says invalid cron expression and the job is failed. Please help me with this issue

Daniel Mikusa's profile image
Daniel Mikusa

>every 5 minutes (*/5 * * * *)


There's two issues with your cron syntax:


  1. It's not `*/5`, it should be `0/5`.
  2. The third item should be a ? not a star.


Ex for every five mins: `0/5 * ? * *`

Harshini Bollineni's profile image
Harshini Bollineni

Thanks Daniel