I m having issue to configure git backend for Spring Config server.
I think the issue is with the git url, it fails to clone the repo.
I'm using Pivotal trial account and trial version of the spring config service.
I tried both from command line and the webinterface.
From command line :
cf create-service p-config-server trial config-server -c '{\"git\": { \"uri\": \"https://bitbucket.org/LdeFalco/test\", \"username\" : \"LdeFalco\", \"password\" : \"my password\" , \"cloneOnStart\" : \"true\" }}'
From the wbe interface :
"git": {
"uri": "https://LdeFalco@bitbucket.org/LdeFalco/test.git",
"username": "LdeFalco",
"password": "my password",
"cloneOnStart": "true",
Both cases it fails.
Unfortunatley I m not able to see the logs for this issue :
cf service-logs config-server
/v2/services did not contain a service instance logs endpoint: maybe the broker version is too old
If I create or update the service without the cloneOnStart option, the service is created/updated successfully. This is the first reason why I think it's an issue with replo clone.
If I try to bind an app to get the properties file from the service (created without "cloneOnStart": "true" ) I get in application logs :
Caused by: java.io.FileNotFoundException: https://config-25b94d3d-e15f-447a-bfca-060ce402a88a.cfapps.io/addressApp/PCF
To debug the issue I tried to invoke the service using the bash script provided in the DOC :
TOKEN=$(curl -k [ACCESS_TOKEN_URI] -u [CLIENT_ID]:[CLIENT_SECRET] -d grant_type=client_credentials | jq -r .access_token); \
curl -k -H "Authorization: bearer $TOKEN" -H "Accept: application/json" [URI]/[ENDPOINT] | jq
I get this error :
"timestamp": "2019-04-18T08:22:37.535+0000",
"status": 404,
"error": "Not Found",
"message": "Cannot clone or checkout repository: https://bitbucket.org/LdeFalco/test",
"path": "/addressApp/CF"
It should be an easy thing to configure but It's not working, don't know how to further debug the issue.