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 Getting deployment error while installinf PCF Dev

Raj solanki's profile image
Raj solanki posted Jan 15, 2020 10:26 PM

I am trying to install pcf dev on window 10 local machine using below link



During installation getting

below error in deploy-pas.log

Task 576 | 10:31:39 | Preparing deployment: Preparing deployment (00:01:46)

Task 576 | 10:34:11 | Preparing package compilation: Finding packages to compile (00:00:01)

Task 576 | 10:34:12 | Creating missing vms: database/2fe9e267-1bb0-4be6-8a4b-b61e534bcd64 (0)

Task 576 | 10:34:12 | Creating missing vms: blobstore/8a9a1df4-39fe-4232-be3e-831d318bcb93 (0)

Task 576 | 10:34:12 | Creating missing vms: control/29cf5702-030d-4cac-ac9d-5e4221562e3a (0)

Task 576 | 10:34:12 | Creating missing vms: compute/927d5018-9f8d-4b94-aa37-fee45aef2280 (0)

Task 576 | 10:34:12 | Creating missing vms: router/d3df4a57-43dd-491d-91ce-c9eda8ca88f8 (0)

Task 576 | 10:34:46 | Creating missing vms: blobstore/8a9a1df4-39fe-4232-be3e-831d318bcb93 (0) (00:00:34)

Task 576 | 10:34:48 | Creating missing vms: router/d3df4a57-43dd-491d-91ce-c9eda8ca88f8 (0) (00:00:36)

Task 576 | 10:34:48 | Creating missing vms: compute/927d5018-9f8d-4b94-aa37-fee45aef2280 (0) (00:00:36)

Task 576 | 10:34:49 | Creating missing vms: database/2fe9e267-1bb0-4be6-8a4b-b61e534bcd64 (0) (00:00:37)

Task 576 | 10:34:57 | Creating missing vms: control/29cf5702-030d-4cac-ac9d-5e4221562e3a (0) (00:00:45)

Task 576 | 10:34:57 | Updating instance database: database/2fe9e267-1bb0-4be6-8a4b-b61e534bcd64 (0) (canary) (00:06:47)

Task 576 | 10:41:44 | Updating instance blobstore: blobstore/8a9a1df4-39fe-4232-be3e-831d318bcb93 (0) (canary) (00:01:03)

Task 576 | 10:42:47 | Updating instance control: control/29cf5702-030d-4cac-ac9d-5e4221562e3a (0) (canary) (01:22:36)

                   L Error: 'control/29cf5702-030d-4cac-ac9d-5e4221562e3a (0)' is not running after update. Review logs for failed jobs: routing-api, cloud_controller_clock, credhub

Task 576 | 12:05:25 | Error: 'control/29cf5702-030d-4cac-ac9d-5e4221562e3a (0)' is not running after update. Review logs for failed jobs: routing-api, cloud_controller_clock, credhub


How to review logs of failed job? I am new in Cloud foundry and have to do one POC in CF.

Could you please let me know steps to review log of fail job?




Daniel Mikusa's profile image
Daniel Mikusa

You would need to use `bosh logs` to retrieve the logs. See here -> https://docs.pivotal.io/platform/2-8/customizing/trouble-advanced.html#log-in. That is for PCF, but I believe it should roughly be the same for PCFDev. You will just need to locate the credentials, which I believe are under the ~/.pcfdev directory, or something like that.

Raj solanki's profile image
Raj solanki

I found credential under /.pcfdev directory. When I try to see logs, its throw error "please choose deployment first".

I didn't find deployment manifest file path under ~/.pcfdev directory, so not able to set current deployment.

Is any way to find deployment file path or set current deployment using bosh cli?

Daniel Mikusa's profile image
Daniel Mikusa

Try running `bosh deployments`. It should give you a list of deployments, then add `-d <deployment-name>` to your `bosh logs` command.