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 Failed Jobs: pks-nsx-t-prepare-master-vm, ncp

Mustafa Bayramov's profile image
Broadcom Employee Mustafa Bayramov posted Sep 29, 2018 02:29 AM

I have following issue. I see Failed Jobs: pks-nsx-t-prepare-master-vm, ncp .

After couple of hour troubleshooting I found issue.


Basically after bosh stop VM a Master Node it start a taks-nsx-t-prepare-master-vm, ncp

As far I understand it create load balancer. I check logs in master node and I see following.


more pre-start.stderr.log

ResourceDeleteFunc(): unrecognized resource type: LbProfile

time="2018-09-28T22:06:54Z" level=error msg="Failed to CreateLbTcpMonitor: &{LbActiveMonitor:{LbMonitor:{ManagedResource:{RevisionedResource:{Resource:{Links:[] Schema: Self:<nil>} Revision:<nil

>} CreateTime:0 CreateUser: LastModifiedTime:0 LastModifiedUser: SystemOwned:<nil> Description: DisplayName:lb-pks-5b82f22b-78bd-45b4-9b5f-acd778269a22 ID: ResourceType: Tags:[0xc42022c120]} Res

ourceType:LbTcpMonitor} FallCount:3 Interval:10 MonitorPort:8443 RiseCount:3 Timeout:10} Receive: Send:}\n" pks-networking=networkManager

Error: unknown error (status 201): {resp:0xc420312990}


 pksnsxcli create [flags]



   --floating-ip string     PKS cluster's instance UUID

 -h, --help            help for create

   --instance-id string     PKS cluster's instance UUID

   --loadbalancer-name string  Name of the load balancer


Global Flags:

 -c, --client-cert-path string  Client certificate for communication with NSX manager

 -k, --client-key-path string  Client private key for communication with NSX manager

   --insecure         Do not validate NSX manager's certificate (default true)

   --nsx-ca-cert-path string  NSX manager's CA certificate path

   --nsx-manager-host string  Hostname of NSX manager

   --t0-router-id string    T0 router ID


it 1.1.6 build

Fenggang Wang's profile image
Fenggang Wang

Hi Mustafa,


The issue


"ResourceDeleteFunc(): unrecognized resource type: LbProfile

time="2018-09-28T22:06:54Z" level=error msg="Failed to CreateLbTcpMonitor: "


is from nsxt server side.


Currently, we have clean up script to cleanup these leftovers, you may cleanup them before you newly installations.







Sangdon Shin's profile image
Broadcom Employee Sangdon Shin

Hi Mustafa,


Fenggang's link seems to be a Pivotal internal link, the corresponding public link should be below:




