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 Error dialing loggregator server: websocket: bad handshake while deploying application

Deepan Chakkaravarthi's profile image
Deepan Chakkaravarthi posted Jul 21, 2018 07:36 PM

Getting following error while deploying an application. What could be the possible reason?


07:15:21|INFO> Warning: error tailing logs

07:15:21|INFO> Error dialing loggregator server: websocket: bad handshake.

07:15:21|INFO> Please ask your Cloud Foundry Operator to check the platform configuration (loggregator endpoint is wss://loggregator.xxxx.xxxx.xxxx.xxx:443).

Daniel Mikusa's profile image
Daniel Mikusa

1.) Check the version of your cf cli (i.e. `cf -v`) and compare that to the recommended version of your target platform (i.e. run `cf curl /v2/info`, see `min_cli_version` and `min_recommended_cli_version`). Make sure your cf cli version is between the versions in the two properties.


2.) Check with your platform operator and make sure that the platform is working correctly & there are ongoing outages or issues.


3.) Run `cf -v logs app-name`. This should give you verbose output and show what happens with the WebSocket request. Here's an example of a successful request. In your case, it's likely returning a 4xx/5xx status code instead of the 101.

WEBSOCKET REQUEST: [2018-07-23T08:57:49-04:00] GET /apps/<guid>/stream HTTP/1.1 Host: wss://doppler.run.pivotal.io:443 Upgrade: websocket Connection: Upgrade Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13 Sec-WebSocket-Key: [HIDDEN] Origin: wss://doppler.run.pivotal.io:443 Authorization: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN]     WEBSOCKET RESPONSE: [2018-07-23T08:57:49-04:00] HTTP/1.1 101 Switching Protocols Upgrade: websocket Connection: Upgrade Sec-Websocket-Accept: [PRIVATE DATA HIDDEN]