Hello Vaidhyanathan,
From Standard Custom Partitioning [1]:
Implement the org.apache.geode.cache.PartitionResolver interface in one of the following ways, listed here in the search order used by GemFire:
- Using a custom class. Implement the PartitionResolver within your class, and then specify your class as the partition resolver during region creation.
- Using the key’s class. Have the entry key’s class implement the PartitionResolverinterface.
- Using the callback argument’s class. Have the class that implements your callback argument implement the PartitionResolver interface. When using this implementation, any and all Region operations must be those that specify the callback argument.
You basically need to implement the PartitionResolver in every approach no matter what, my question was basically the following: which class are you actually using as the implementation of PartitionResolver?, a class specifically designed and implemented to act as the Partition Resolver?, the class used as the key for your region?, or the class used as the callback argument?.
Best regards.
[1]: https://gemfire.docs.pivotal.io/98/geode/developing/partitioned_regions/standard_custom_partitioning.html