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 Can I export metrics from VSD to a CSV file?

Ken Gottry's profile image
Ken Gottry posted Mar 12, 2019 06:23 PM


Juan Cassella's profile image
Juan Cassella

Hello Ken,


Thanks for contacting the Pivotal Support Community!.

My name is Juan José Ramos Cassella, and I am a GemFire Technical Support Engineer with Pivotal. 

That said, the answer to your question would be no, you can't do this out of the box.

Best regards.

Ken Gottry's profile image
Ken Gottry

Thanks, Juan.

Is there a way to use 2 y-axes? When I plot the 2 metrics I'm interesting in, the scale causes one to almost disappear given the y-axis of the 2nd metric.

Can I write something, maybe using JVSD, to export to CSV, load into Excel where I can easily do 2 y-axes?



Juan Cassella's profile image
Juan Cassella

Hello Ken,


Thanks for the update.

Yes, you can use whatever you want to programatically read the binary data from the files and export it to some other format, JVSD is just one example. Keep in mind, however, that these are external tools not officially supported by Pivotal. That said, you can select one of the lines in VSD and click in Line -> Graph on Left Axis; this will actually draw the selected line on the right hand of the chart, simulating two y-axes.

Hope this helps.


Ken Gottry's profile image
Ken Gottry

Ah-ha. "Graph on " feature. .I missed that when I was clicking around. Thanks for your help



Juan Cassella's profile image
Juan Cassella

No worries, cheers!