Ah, spotted your initiative there for additional docs chapters. Let's see which docs progress is doable. Mike Roy and the team there work hard to maintain the open-source version of Photon OS, too.
btw - progress classification :
Create a feature/issue ticket = 15 minutes++
Often I consider myself here. It's easy to open a feature/issue ticket. Fire'n'Forget - because the community solves it. Works in a bustling and very rich rich community - users get business-like help for free.
Create a workaround = 15 hours++
After having being trained on how to write package installer scripts, writing an automation recipe minor than a thousand code lines is a nobrainer and solves the urgent issue. Glad when it works - and it encourages others to share their code snippets with the community, too.
But guess what, here's the gap (!) because an automation recipe is not a Github pull request.
Create a pull request = 15 days++
Imho pretested SPECS packages in the future for (shim) drivers, AI model libraries, inferencing tools, etc. is the Achilles' area. Pretesting the content through reproducible test case automation and successful iso build automation often is critical business time.
These are the numbers. Shrink the payload.