Hi, I get the below mentioned error when I access domains tab in SETDAD. what is the issue? "Obfuscated Data Error Endpoint Threat Defense for AD can’t generate obfuscated data Please contact Support for help with this error" Thanks in advance
Spamming with dotted decimal URL (a dotted decimal URL refers to the four-byte IP address notation as a sequence of four decimal numbers separated by dots) is one of the most often seen URL-obfuscation techniques employed by spammers
While Trojan.Hydraq has been described as sophisticated, the methods used to obfuscate the code are relatively straight forward to deobfuscate
Usually security researchers hate obfuscation. But I say, let them obfuscate more!...So why do I say, give me more obfuscation? Wouldn’t that make things tougher?
For that past several days, Symantec has observed an increase in spam messages containing hexadecimal obfuscated URLs. Hexadecimal character codes are simply the hexadecimal number to letter representation for the ASCII character set
They have stated that the reason for introducing this obfuscation is because their competitors are scanning applications to see which developers are using their software. Such obfuscation techniques can also have an effect on ad network detectors. For example, we downloaded four popular competitor products that normally detect unobfuscated versions of Airpush and, unfortunately, were surprised to find Airpush's techniques successfully bypassed them all. This type of obfuscation does not affect Norton Spot
However, this process soon changed and malware authors started to use encryption to obfuscate those embedded modules in an attempt to slow down discovery and detection by security products
The spoofing or obfuscating of email messages to bypass antispam filters is a very common technique for spammers. Spammers try to obfuscate the email headers or email bodies of messages to evade antispam filters, as discussed in one of our previous blogs
It contains a single 'script' element containing some obfuscated JavaScript--in other words, the spammer has gone to considerable lengths to try to disguise what the JavaScript actually does. When writing JavaScript normally, developers would generally aim to make code as readable and clear as possible. The obfuscated JavaScript contains code to redirect the recipient's browser to a different location, but the location is disguised as: hJt>t>p>:S/2/2aSd>v2aSnlcleldSwloloJd>tSe2c2hJ.2cSo>ml/2xJnSuJ4JeSjS/2z2.Shltlm From looking at the first few characters ("hJt>t>p>:"), you might have already noticed what's going on
A top portion of the obfuscated script looks something like this: <script>/*LGPL*/ try( window.onload = function()(var C1nse3sk8o41s = document.createElement('s&c^$#r))i($p@&t^&'.repl Once deobfuscated, it leads to a URL that looks something like this: [http://]free-fr.rapidshare.com.hotlinkimage-com.thechocolateweb.ru:8080/51job.com/[REMOVED]/redtube.com/gittigidiyor.com/google.com/ The use of well-known domains in the URL string is an attempt by the attackers to circumvent other protection mechanisms that may be in place