Hello zvryone, We are having a strange issue with the ProxySG, from time to time we lose the Internet connection and we notice a latency when responding with java management, however, we noticed that a reboot could solve the problem (which is a non practical solution), but we do not know the cause of it
First, I suggest you start with a Tech Support ticket regarding this issue, they will request specific files in order to help assertain the cause. Things to verify first: You are running a supported SGOS version on one of the most recent patches (in case your issue was resolved by one of them)...
Yes, DLP will introduce a latency in mail delivery but I will try to show you with below tests that it will not be noticeable for most end users
DLP mail prevent performance_UK.pdf
There have been network latency issues observed on slower networks with Ghost...As an example, a DHCP latency issue was once resolved by adding these lines: ipconfig/release ipconfig/renew To save the file, make sure that you remove the Read Only attribute
Note: If this is configured to communicate in real-time you may experience network latency or agent instability, please factor in risks when configuring these settings, for example: 10,000 endpoints communicating in real-time will result in congestion
The service must not introduce excessive latency that delays email receipt or, more importantly, adversely impact users’ surfing experience and productivity. The provider should be managing their infrastructure capacity to ensure minimal latency of email and web traffic. Look for an SLA around latency. You need to realise a low total cost of ownership so your security services provider must understand how to deliver the service to you in a cost effective manner
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Apesar da idade da ameaça e da data de desativação, os sensores da Symantec ainda detectaram um pequeno número de infecções latentes (arquivos do Stuxnet 0.5 foram encontrados em arquivos de projetos STEP 7) no mundo todo no ano passado. Figura 1 . Infecções latentes detectadas no ano passado O vídeo a seguir explica como o Stuxnet 0.5 tenta sabotar a usina de enriquecimento de urânio de Natanz
By looking at the TTL (time to live) of the ICMP ping response along with latency in milliseconds, there is a distinct difference between the two
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docid=2009-011316-0247-99 Host is up (0.00s latency). Interesting ports on PORT STATE SERVICE 139/tcp open netbios-ssn 445/tcp filtered microsoft-ds Host script results: | smb-os-discovery: Windows 2000 | LAN Manager: Windows 2000 LAN Manager | Name: WORKGROUP\MINSHENG-F48D33 | System time: 2009-08-03 15:19:29 UTC+8 | smb-check-vulns: | MS08-067: CHECK DISABLED (remove 'safe=1' argument to run) | Conficker: Likely INFECTED (by Conficker.C or lower) | regsvc DoS: CHECK DISABLED (add '--script-args=unsafe=1' to run) Regards Ivan
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This may aid in the detection of attacks or malicious activity related to the exploitation of latent vulnerabilities