See matching posts in thread - Remote malware scanning via agent - how to ......RE...
Therefore, since the SEPC has been updated, even creating a new Client ID and Secret Key and replacing both of them in the SEPCloudConfig.ini configuration, event ingestion into Splunk is not working anymore
This community is actually not for Splunk questions, but actually the Symantec Reporter appliance that ingests ProxySG logs. My recommendation, if you haven't already, would be to ask this on the SEP Cloud community
Hi All, I have a client that uses the instructions below to retrieve logs and ingest them into their SIEM, But they find the process of handling the zip files, searching them and extracting the info cumbersome
Post Production environment consist of Windows and Linux Servers, running Avid and Dalet platforms and all related applications and also working stations where video materials are ingested and edited from segments stored in a SAN, and from there TV broadcasted, under planed playlists, some in real time
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This intelligence can be seamlessly ingested into third-party Security Incident and Event Management tools (SIEM) such as Splunk, IBM QRadar, and HP ArcSight, which enables Security Operations Center (SOC) teams to investigate and respond to advanced email attacks
The vetted list is the result of the Information Centric Analytics platform’s data ingestion, enrichment and analytics process that automatically performs the initial threat hunting
Last year, Regina Dugan, head of the Advanced Technology and Projects group at Google, suggested that a tattoo or ingested pill could authenticate a user
We built automation for the entire machine learning process – from ingesting, cleaning and processing our telemetry data to optimizing and exploring different models