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 Trying to have isolation with Read only with URLs with risk rating 5-6

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Wasfi Bounni's profile image
Broadcom Knight Wasfi Bounni posted Jul 02, 2024 12:47 AM


Based on this article, URLs with risk rating of 5-6 can only be isolated and those with risk rating 7-8 are isolated and made read only.

Is there a way to make URLs with risk rating 5-6 isolated and read-only, as any zero day phishing link is usually is given 5-6 rating.

Do I need to integrate the Full Symantec Web Isolation solution manager with an API to be able to do this, is this even possible?



Jacob Miles's profile image
Broadcom Employee Jacob Miles  Best Answer

Hi Wasfi,

Based off of your description, you would need to upgrade from High Risk Isolation to a dedicated Full Web Isolation tenant. Once upgraded, with the dedicated tenant linked to your CloudSWG, you can send more than just high risk traffic to isolation. You will also gain access to the Web Isolation management interface, which will allow you to create different rules and isolation profiles (including Read-Only) for traffic that is sent to isolation.