maybe - added in the max event and had no change in my numbers. I think that is because we are doing a date range on the startup
- I was able to use this query to find over 700 machines that have started but no user logged on. then spot checked a bunch of them. Machines were up and running with no windows log on.
select, max(evt._eventTime) as 'Last event time', evt.[event], 'No' as 'User logon since Startup?'
from Evt_AeX_Client_LogOn evt WITH (NOLOCK)
left join dbo.Inv_AeX_AC_Identification ac WITH (NOLOCK) on ac._ResourceGuid = evt._ResourceGuid
where evt.[event] = 'Startup'
and (ac.[Client Date] > getdate ()-30 and ac.[Client Date] <getdate ()-.1)
and evt._ResourceGuid not in
(select lg._ResourceGuid
from Evt_AeX_Client_LogOn lg WITH (NOLOCK)
join dbo.Inv_AeX_AC_Identification ac WITH (NOLOCK) on lg._ResourceGuid = ac._ResourceGuid
where lg.Event = 'Logon'
group by lg._ResourceGuid, ac.Name, lg.[event])
Group by , evt.[event]
Altiris Admin since 2002
Original Message:
Sent: Sep 09, 2024 02:43 PM
From: Greg Zielinski
Subject: Looking for logged on table
Wouldn't this section effectively filter out all GUIDs that have ever had an event that equals 'Logon'? Resulting in a "machines that have never had 'Logon' in the history of the Evt_AeX_Client_LogOn table" vs "Where the MOST RECENT event was 'Logon'"?
and evt._ResourceGuid not in (select lg._ResourceGuid from Evt_AeX_Client_LogOn lg WITH (NOLOCK) join dbo.Inv_AeX_AC_Identification ac WITH (NOLOCK) on lg._ResourceGuid = ac._ResourceGuid where lg.Event = 'Logon' group by lg._ResourceGuid, ac.Name, lg.[event])
Original Message:
Sent: Sep 09, 2024 12:36 PM
From: Shawn Mayhew
Subject: Looking for logged on table
Slight tweak -
select, max(evt._eventTime) as 'Last event time', evt.[event], 'No' as 'User logon since Startup?'
from Evt_AeX_Client_LogOn evt WITH (NOLOCK)
left join dbo.Inv_AeX_AC_Identification ac WITH (NOLOCK) on ac._ResourceGuid = evt._ResourceGuid
where evt.[event] = 'Startup' and (ac.[Client Date] > getdate ()-30 and ac.[Client Date] <getdate ()-.1)
and evt._ResourceGuid not in
(select lg._ResourceGuid
from Evt_AeX_Client_LogOn lg WITH (NOLOCK)
join dbo.Inv_AeX_AC_Identification ac WITH (NOLOCK) on lg._ResourceGuid = ac._ResourceGuid
where lg.Event = 'Logon'
group by lg._ResourceGuid, ac.Name, lg.[event])
Group by , evt.[event]
Altiris Admin since 2002
Original Message:
Sent: Sep 05, 2024 08:58 AM
From: Carl Fortin
Subject: Looking for logged on table
Thanks!, I got it working with the query you provided.
I also had to exclude machines that were not connected in the last hour to get a better result.
Original Message:
Sent: Sep 04, 2024 02:53 PM
From: Greg Zielinski
Subject: Looking for logged on table
This table can have these events.
So when I edit the SQL for the most recent event where it isn't 'Logon'. I believe you get what you are looking for.
-- This is the main query used to select the columns that interest usselect tm.[name] as 'Computer name', evt.Domain, evt.[User], tm.[Last event time], evt.[event] from Evt_AeX_Client_LogOn evt join (-- This is the sub query that returns the computer guid, computer name, last event time, and lg._ResourceGuid,, max(lg._eventTime) as 'Last event time' from Evt_AeX_Client_LogOn lg join vComputer vc on lg._ResourceGuid = vc.Guid where like '%' group by lg._ResourceGuid, vc.Name, lg.[event]) as tm on evt._eventTime = tm.[Last event time] and evt._ResourceGuid = tm._ResourceGuid where evt.[event] != 'Logon' order by [Last event time] desc
Original Message:
Sent: Sep 04, 2024 02:25 PM
From: Carl Fortin
Subject: Looking for logged on table
I'm looking for the database table that contains the logged-in account information.
I want to create a filter with all computers where no one is logged in.