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Cutting Edge – By Engineers, For Engineers 

Oct 03, 2008 04:51 PM

Symantec's Cutting Edge 2008 conference closed on Friday, October 3rd. As the Chair of this year's Cutting Edge conference, hosted each year by the Office of the CTO, I can say it was a wonderful opportunity to manage an event that brings together engineering groups across Symantec. Known as "a conference by engineers, for engineers," Cutting Edge continues to provide an atmosphere where people feel comfortable discussing ideas across organizations.
This year's theme is "How We Win," and there are three key areas where we see this taking shape. First, we must highlight the Symantec innovation model, which is a balance between organic innovation and innovation by acquisition of leading technologies. Second, the direction of our innovations must be driven first and foremost by our customers. Our customers are telling us that they like our products, and we must continue to listen to their needs and include features to help them do their business better. Third, making our products work together is a priority among our product groups. Many people in the Cutting Edge sessions mentioned that the way we want to get products to work together better is by utilizing the Symantec Open Collaborative Architecture (OCA). The Symantec OCA enables collaboration among Symantec products (and third party products) in several ways: through exposing web services, by utilizing the mature and polished Symantec Management platform and by utilizing the Symantec Workflow engine.

*   *   *
Random Cutting Edge observations: watching four wild and crazy guys playing Rock Band and capturing at least two "entertaining" videos of the entire performance at the Tuesday night reception was a sight to behold (and to laugh at as well). Engineers congregated around the various exhibits and seemed to be in their element and enjoying themselves.
Overall, it was a fantastic start and made all of the hard work and preparations worthwhile.  "A conference by engineers, for engineers" is our mantra, and the event gets better each year.

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