I've spent the past few days working out a vb script to switch agents to another server. I will not take credit for the last part of the script which forces the client to send basic inventory and update policies. I stole that part from a different forum and forgot where I got it from, so thank you to whomever created it. I was able to throw it all together and have been fairly successful and felt I had to share it.
There are 2 variables NServer, and WebServer that need to be changed to whatever your server addresses are (noted in the script itself).
The script changes the server urls, resets the guid, and send the agent Inventory information to the new server.
I didn't know if it's required, but I went ahead and threw in some waiting periods in between the Guid reset, and the Policy/Inventory updates. Just wanted to give the agent some time to let some of the settings take effect.
Note: If you want to test it, you can enter the Old server address in the Example comment, and enter the New server under it, and just remove/add the single quote( ' ) on whichever server you would like to switch to.
The file is uploaded as .txt but should be changed to .vbs to work properly.
Hope this helps somebody. I know it has helped me.
I have not tested it with version 6.x