Please Understand:
The differences between 2003 Server and 2008 Server are major. In particular, the change from IIS 6 to IIS 7 introduces a very major overhaul in the way programs 'hook' into IIS. When the SEPM is installed with IIS 6, it is configured differently than it would be if it were installed with IIS 7. There is nothing in the server's migration process that accommodates these configuration differences.
Method 1:
1. Migrate your SEPM Console to the latest version of SEP.
- Follow the following documentation.
2. Follow the steps in our documentation for Best Practices for Disaster Recovery:
Best Practices for Disaster Recovery with Symantec Endpoint Protection
3. Move the disaster recovery files (the database backup and the keystore information) to a backed-up location.
4. Uninstall the SEPM.
5. Perform the migration to Windows 2008 Server.
6. Install the SEPM.
7. Perform the recovery steps in the Best Practices for Disaster Recovery documentation to restore the database from a backup and import the communication settings.
8. Clients should automatically begin checking into the SEPM Console if Step 7 is successful.
Method 2:
1. Export any policies that you would like to keep and save them in a backed-up location.
- Right-click the policy in the main Policies tab and select Export Policy...
2. Make note of your current group structure
- Expand all the groups in the main Clients tab and take a screenshot.
3. Uninstall the SEPM.
4. Perform the migration to Windows 2008 Server.
5. Install the SEPM.
6. Log into the SEPM and re-create the group structure in the main Clients tab and import the policies in the main Policies tab.
7. Download and run SylinkReplacer (https://www-secure.symantec.com/connect/downloads/sylinkreplacer-tool-connecting-sep-clients-sepm)
- You can export a sylink.xml from the SEPM. In the Clients tab, right-click a group and select "Export communication settings". Rename the file it exports to "sylink.xml".
8. Clients should automatically begin checking into the SEPM Console under their previous groups after SylinkReplacer is finished.
Both methods have their advantages/disadvantages... Method 1 requires a little more work on the front-end (before migration to Win2008) and will be more convenient when re-connecting clients. However, it is prone to failure and is therefore less reliable (although, worst case scenario is to revert to the second method). Method 2 requires very little pre-migration work and a little more work afterwards, but it's very reliable.