Resolution I got from Symantec:
1) Create an image (.PNG) with text (XYZZY) and having a resolution of at least 200 pixels or more for e.g. 800 * 400
2) Create a simple keyword policy with XYZZY as keyword.
3) Send email with attachment to trigger the policy and see if incidents generated
Note: You can ignore those errors you are getting. If images are less than 200 pixels, no incidents will be created.
Original Message:
Sent: 04-13-2021 04:14 PM
From: Imam Ibrahim
Subject: Symantec DLP OCR - Sensitive Image Recognition version NO incidents display
The issue is not resolved yet , still looking for solution.
Original Message:
Sent: 04-13-2021 09:55 AM
From: Manish Kapadia
Subject: Symantec DLP OCR - Sensitive Image Recognition version NO incidents display
Issue resolved? We are getting the same error.
Original Message:
Sent: 04-07-2021 12:22 PM
From: Imam Ibrahim
Subject: Symantec DLP OCR - Sensitive Image Recognition version NO incidents display
Symantec DLP OCR - Sensitive Image Recognition version NO incidents display
We faced an issue with Symantec DLP OCR - Sensitive Image Recognition version there is no OCR incidents shown or generated.
There is an error with Email prevent detection server (OCR service busy).
- | INFO | ocrEngine | NuanceEngine | Error while determining detected languages: Warning: [4c90f]: LANGDET_INHERITED_WARN - (0)
- | INFO | ocrEngine | NuanceEngine | Warning while getting recognized text: Warning: [4c902]: NO_TXT_WARN - (0)
- | INFO | ocrEngine | NuanceEngine | End to end OCR time (ms): 167
Imam Ibrahim