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 Installed Software & Appx Scanner Detection Method

Stu Harris's profile image
Stu Harris posted Dec 08, 2020 12:03 PM
My company is just starting to test Windows 10 native (Windows Store) apps.  We have one app deployed to a couple of machines and I can see the app in Resource Manager > Summaries > Software Summary in the top pane for "Installed Software".  The Detection Method column shows "Appx Scanner".  

My question is where is that detection method in the database?  Alternatively, is there a report that shows that column?

I apologize if there's multiple screen shots in this post.  I don't see any confirmation when I attempt to upload an image.

Guggenheim Partners
Igor Perevozchikov's profile image
Broadcom Employee Igor Perevozchikov
Hello Stu Harris!

"Installed Software" information provides sp_Inv_GetInstalledSoftwareData stored procedure providing ResourceGuid of required client computer
EXECUTE sp_Inv_GetInstalledSoftwareData @ResourceGuid='client computer GUID'

dbo.fn_Detection function from sp_Inv_GetInstalledSoftwareData stored procedure converts 'Source' values to readable values like AppX Scanner, etc.

Part of sp_Inv_GetInstalledSoftwareData stored procedure as example:

CASE WHEN iis._SoftwareComponentGuid = (SELECT Guid FROM RM_ResourceSoftware_Component WHERE Guid = iis._SoftwareComponentGuid) THEN 'Software Component'
WHEN iis._SoftwareComponentGuid = (SELECT Guid FROM [RM_ResourceSoftware_Release] WHERE Guid = iis._SoftwareComponentGuid) THEN 'Software Release'
WHEN iis._SoftwareComponentGuid = (SELECT Guid FROM [RM_ResourceSoftware_Update] WHERE Guid = iis._SoftwareComponentGuid) THEN 'Software Update'
WHEN iis._SoftwareComponentGuid = (SELECT Guid FROM [RM_ResourceService_Pack] WHERE Guid = iis._SoftwareComponentGuid) THEN 'Service Pack' END [Type],
CASE WHEN LOWER (i.[System Type]) LIKE 'win%' THEN dbo.fn_Detection (iis.Source)
ELSE 'SW Inventory' END [Detection Method (ARP/PC-Ware/File Inv/Detection Rules)],
CASE WHEN [Virtualized Count] > 0 or iis.Source=256 THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END [Virtualized (Y/N)],
CASE WHEN [File Association Count] > 0 THEN 'Y' ELSE 'N' END [File Association (Y/N)],

Hope that this helps.

Best regards,
Stu Harris's profile image
Stu Harris
Thanks for demystifying this for me!  I can definitely work with this and put together what I need.
