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Use DPDK binding in VMware Telco Cloud Platform 5G

  • 1.  Use DPDK binding in VMware Telco Cloud Platform 5G

    Broadcom Employee
    Posted Dec 02, 2022 05:23 PM

    We can use DPDK binding only with SR-IOV passthrough network devices in the Worker Nodes.

    The SR-IOV passthrough network device in a Worker Node is backed by an SR-IOV Virtual Function (VF) in ESXi. So, the Secondary Network interface on the data plane Pods must support network attachment on SR-IOV VF.

    With SR-IOV, the Worker Node and the physical NIC adapter bypass the VMKernel in the ESXi and exchange data directly. Bypassing the VMKernel for networking reduces the latency and improves the CPU efficiency for high data transfer performance.


    With SR-IOV enabled in the Infrastructure layer (BIOS and NIC), the SR-IOV usage model in the CaaS layer is CNF driven. Ensure that the data plane CNF has SR-IOV and DPDK requirements defined in its TOSCA CSAR package. Telco Cloud Automation uses SR-IOV and DPDK requirements from the CSAR of the CNF and applies the following node customizations during CNF onboarding:

    • Add the SR-IOV VF interfaces to the Worker Nodes.
    • Bind the SR-IOV VF interfaces to DPDK in the Worker Nodes.
    • Publish the DPDK bound SR-IOV VF interfaces as named allocatable network resources in the Kubelet by using the SR-IOV network device plugin.

    The CNF uses an allocatable network resource (DPDK-bound SR-IOV VF interface) to create a Secondary Network attachment on the data plane Pod.

    We must ensure that you use VMware-compatible NICs, firmware, and drivers for SR-IOV.