This vRO Package contains workflows for vRA/VC VM add and extend disks on Linux VM. #vRealizeOrchestratorPlug-inSDK #MIT #vRA7.2 #vRO #vRA7.4 #vRealizeAutomation7 #vrealize #vROPackage #vRealizeAutomation #vRealizeOrchestrator #cmbucontest #vRealizeOrchestrator ...
This vRO Workflow will create csv files for vRA VMs doesn't have Storage Reservation Policy. Once the VM lists created the other workflow will do dry run/actual run to update the storage reservation policy on all vRA VMs listed in csv file. #vRealizeAutomation #vra7 #vRO #vrealize ...
This action can be utilized as generic REST call used by any actions or workflows. Provides a simplified mechanism of working with REST calls within vRO. #vrealize #vRealizeOrchestrator #vRealizeOrchestrator #vRealizeOrchestratorPlug-inSDK #MIT #ActionScript #cmbucontest ...
vRO actions to search entities in vCenter by name. The code uses Property Collector that allows faster retrieval times even in large environments. Valid for all versions of vCenter. Possible use case: Populate lists in web portals and allow for searches. vRO workflows created using...
This vRO Workflow Package -> NSX LBaaS contains workflows to cover below items. Create and Delete NSX Edge LB. Update NSX Edge LB Server Pools Add a Virtual Server to an existing NSX edge LB Remove a virtual server from an existing NSX Edge LB Read a virtual server...
This vRO Workflow will add VM to NSX Security Tags and Security Groups. #vrealize #vRealizeAutomation #vRA #vRO #cmbucontest #MIT #vRealizeOrchestrator #NSXforvSphere #vRealizeOrchestratorPlug-inSDK #vROWorkflow
Add VM to SecurityTag and securityGroup.workflow
This vRO will relocates virtual machine and it's disks to another host or datastore while the virtual machine is powered on. #vSphereAPI #MIT #vRealizeOrchestratorPlug-inSDK #vrealize #vRO #cmbucontest #vROWorkflow
Relocate virtual machine.workflow
This vRO Workflow will register NSX Manager to vCenter. Credit: Daniel Linsley #NSX #vRO #NSXAPI #vrealize #cmbucontest #vRealizeOrchestratorPlug-inSDK #vROWorkflow #NSXforvSphere #MIT
Register NSXManager to VC.workflow
This vRO Action will return Configuration Element when we pass input for "Configuration Path" and "Configuration Name". #vrealize #vRealizeOrchestratorPlug-inSDK #cmbucontest #MIT #vRealizeOrchestrator #vroapi #vRO #ActionScript
This vRO Action gets the VM Ping Status. #cmbucontest #vrealize #vRealizeOrchestrator #MIT #vRealizeOrchestratorPlug-inSDK #vroapi #JavaScript #vRO
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