This is a collection of scripts to gather information from vCenter server and push that custom data into vROps server so that it will be available as a metric. The primary aim is not the data, but the scripts show how you can push custom data to vROps server. For more details check https:/...
This solution has scripts which read vCenter Tags and then create equivalent customer groups in vROps server. So that VM's will automatically be part of the custom groups. For more details check
Python script to be executed within host directly to upgrade tools in bulk #VMTools #MIT #vCloudSuiteSDKforPython #Python
Retrieve several vCenter moids including the DC,Cluster,RP,DVS,Datastore and Port-Group Objects #MIT #Python #vCloudSuiteSDKforPython
vConnector - VMware vSphere Connector Module for Python vConnector is a wrapper module around pyVmomi VMware vSphere bindings , which provides methods for connecting and retrieving of objects from a VMware vSphere server. The purpose of vConnector is to provide the basic...
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Python vSphere Client with a dialog interface PVC is an interactive text-mode VMware vSphere Client with a dialog(1) interface for GNU/Linux systems built on top of the pyVmomi VMware vSphere API Python bindings. Using PVC allows you to quickly navigate in your VMware vSphere...
vEvents - VMware vSphere Events from the command-line vEvents is an application that allows you to view and monitor VMware vSphere Events from the command-line. Requirements Python 2.7.x docopt pyVmomi vconnector Contributions vEvents is hosted on Github....
vPoller - Distributed VMware vSphere API Proxy vPoller is a distributed VMware vSphere API Proxy, designed for discovering and polling of vSphere objects. It uses the VMware vSphere API in order to perform discovery and polling of vSphere objects. vPoller uses the ZeroMQ messaging...