Please enable the Frontline Worker Solution within Marketplace of Intelligence to gain access to this dashboard via the Dashboard Templates section. Note: Experience Analytics add on or WS1 Enterprise licensing is required to use this dashboard template. #ExperienceMgmt #OtherLanguage #MPL2...
Frontline - Launcher Metrics for Shared Device.json
This script leverages Workspace ONE Intelligence API to automate the process of getting the latest data from Workspace ONE Intelligence, downloading, and saving the report as CSV. Please see more information in the file for details. Overview Author: Targoon Siripanichpong...
2 Comments - no search term matches found in comments.
This dashboard template helps admins monitor Windows and macOS application performance based on CPU, GPU, memory, and Disk utilization. Widgets include: Disk: Top Consuming apps last 24 hrs Memory: Top Consuming apps last 24 hrs GPU: Top Consuming apps last 24 hrs ...
Desktop App Performance.json
This dashboard template provides analytics on actionable Hub notifications using a TOTAL COUNT as opposed to a UNIQUE COUNT. Widgets include: Total Sent Total Failed to Send Total Viewed Total Dismissed Total Opened Total Actioned Activity Timeline ...
Total Count Analytics on an Actionable Notification.json
This dashboard template provides analytics on actionable Hub notifications using a UNIQUE COUNT as opposed to a TOTAL COUNT. Widgets include: Total Sent Total Failed to Send Total Viewed Total Dismissed Total Opened Total Actioned Activity Timeline ...
Unique Count Analytics on an Actionable Notification.json
This dashboard template provides analytics on informational Hub notifications using a UNIQUE COUNT as opposed to a TOTAL COUNT. Widgets include: Total Sent Total Failed to Send Total Viewed Total Dismissed Total Opened Activity Timeline Views by...
Unique Count Analytics on an Informational Notification.json
This dashboard template provides analytics on informational Hub notifications using a TOTAL COUNT as opposed to a UNIQUE COUNT. Widgets include:<\/p>\r\n \r\n Total Sent<\/li>\r\n Total Failed to Send<\/li>\r\n Total Viewed<\/li>\r\n Total Dismissed<...
Total Count Analytics on an Information Notification.json
This dashboard template provides overview level analytics for Hub notifications. Widgets include: Total Sent Total Failed to Send Total Viewed Total Dismissed Total Opened Total Actioned Number of Informational and Actionable Notifications Views...
Overview of Notification Analytics.json
This Sample is an example dashboard and widget to view your company's end-user usage data of the different tabs in Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub for iOS. This can be helpful in telling what tabs your users are using which can be used to compare to efforts your company has in rolling out new...
This dashboard template helps admins monitor mobile device native and SaaS app usage via Tunnel data. Widgets include: Top 10 Mobile Apps Used Top 10 Mobile Internal SaaS Apps Used Top 10 Mobile Internal SaaS Apps by Traffic Volume Top Mobile Browsers by Traffic Volume ...
Mobile SaaS and Native App Usage and Performance.json