vRO Package to export deployment and machine related metadata from vRA 7 and onboard the deployments into Aria Automation 8x or Aria Automation Cloud. - Initial capability to export all machine and deployment data from vRA 7 - Validate all provided data in csv is valid in vRA 8 Project...
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Use case: support capacity planning, show back and vm reclamation; output virtual machine resources of all deployments as json. User can use https://konklone.io/json/ to convert json to csv. This report is generated from an ABX action. Field names are identified dynamically. Sample report,...
An Action Base Extensibility(abx) for VMware Aria Automation, which notifies Slack channel when deployments are done. Just download and upload it to your environment. made on: VMware Aria Automation Cloud For details check page: http://www.justait.net/2023/08/slack-notification.html ...
Use case: identify hot spots in the environment and manage deployment lifecycle; write deployments and all their action requests with statuses to a csv formatted file. This report is generated from an ABX action. Field names are generated dynamically. Sample report, ABX action and instruction...
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User can use this cloud template to create any appliance on demand. The cloud template has two inputs: 1) imageRef – an online ova file reference 2) ovfProperties – a list of ovf properties that the user wants update. An ABX action retrieves ovf properties in image via a private API call and add...