vRealize Orchestrator Action to allow for Codestream Pipeline Scheduling. Action require 4 Named String inputs: vRealizeApplianceURL = FQDN of vRealize Automation Appliance (https://fqdn). codestreamUserName = Username for vRealize Automation. codestreamPassword ...
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This action can be utilized as generic REST call used by any actions or workflows. Provides a simplified mechanism of working with REST calls within vRO. #vrealize #vRealizeOrchestrator #vRealizeOrchestrator #vRealizeOrchestratorPlug-inSDK #MIT #ActionScript #cmbucontest ...
This vRO Action will return Configuration Element when we pass input for "Configuration Path" and "Configuration Name". #vrealize #vRealizeOrchestratorPlug-inSDK #cmbucontest #MIT #vRealizeOrchestrator #vroapi #vRO #ActionScript
This Blueprint will allow your developers to use the vRealize Automation REST API to request a Linux VM and inject scripts to run in the guest as part of an automated build or in line with continuous integration tools. See complete Guide here > http://www.vmtocloud.com/the-vra-7-developer...