As the number of user sites or locations increases, having good visibility into the overall quality of connectivity of those sites to your Horizon View data center(s) becomes increasingly important Content Release Notes: This content release includes a number of Dashboards, Views, and Super Metrics designed to take advantage of the User Interface enhancements in the vROPs 8.x platform, providing richer and more visually impacting insight into the overall health, performance, and consumption of your Horizon View deployment
Latest dashboard updates for improved "End-to-End" monitoring of vROPs for Horizon Desktop environments. For more info: #MIT #vRealizeOperationsManager #vROPS #vRealizeOperationsManager #XML #vRealizeOpsDashboard #vROPsforHorizon
Latest dashboard updates for improved "End-to-End" monitoring of vROPs for Horizon Desktop environments. For more info: #vROPS #vRealizeOperationsManager #XML #MIT #vRealizeOpsDashboard #vROPsforHorizon #vRealizeOperationsManager
Latest dashboard updates for improved "End-to-End" monitoring of vROPs for Horizon Desktop environments. For more info: #vRealizeOperationsManager #XML #vROPsforHorizon #vRealizeOperationsManager #vROPS #vRealizeOpsDashboard #MIT
**Requires the 'vRealize Operations Management Pack for Horizon'** This formula will show the average number of connected sessions with a custom group. You'll need to first have or create a custom group which organizes the different VDI pools. For example, you might want to create a custom group for the VDI pools based on business unit, a specific user group, or maybe by location
AVG Connected Sessions in a Custom Group.txt
v1.0 - 12/30/2017: Initial release. NOTE 01/04/2018: Fixed ZIP files by uploading replacement copy. This software blueprint installs the End Point Operations agent on Windows. It requires an existing vRealize Operations Manager environment--clustered or not--and a vRealize...
v1.0 - 12/30/2017: Initial release. NOTE 01/04/2018: Fixed ZIP files by uploading replacement copy. This software blueprint installs the End Point Operations agent on Linux. It requires an existing vRealize Operations Manager environment--clustered or not--and a vRealize Automation...
This is a software component that can be used to install the vRealize Operations End Point Operations agent on a Windows workload provisioned via a blueprint in vRealize Automation. The software component also removes the agent when the workload is destroyed. More details about the package and...
vRealize Operations does a good job to show you what the correct number for vCPU/Memory settings should be based on monitoring history...See this Blog Post for details on how to enable the metric CPU|Ready (ms) and why
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